Motivation of NANO-TEC

The foundations for the European Technology Platform Nanoelectronics and routes for the consolidation of the research were laid in the Vision 2020 report by a high level group consisting of the main semiconductor companies, tool providers and end users in Europe at that time, together with the European Commission.  This initiative evolved into the European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council (ENIAC).

One of the main tasks of the Scientific Council Committee of ENIAC was to generate a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for nanoelectronics RTD in Europe.  In the SRA the activities are divided into four domains: More Moore, More than Moore, Heterogeneous Integration and Beyond CMOS, supported by domains on Design Methods and Tools and Equipment and Materials. Later ENIAC became a public private partnership ENIAC Joint Undertaking (ENIAC JU), involving both the private industry association AENEAS and public authorities. Today the shorter term activities in nanoelectronics RTD are carried out in the Joint Technology Initiatives run by the ENIAC JU along the guidelines of a Multi-Annual Strategic Plan (MASP).
In this frame the activities in the domain Beyond CMOS, and in nanometre scale heterogeneous integration to some extent, were left to be covered in the Framework Programmes by EC. However, it is essential for Europe to keep the pace in the longer term ICT research, especially now when the mainstream semiconductor industry is "ousting" its production efforts to Asia and US.