Tentative Programme of the Second Workshop

Tentative list of sessions and speakers:

Molecular ElectronicstbcCentre d'Elaboration de Matériaux et d'Etudes Structurales
Center for Materials Elaboration and Structural Studies- CNRS, France
Mems Prof. Dr. Lina SarroDelft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Solid State Quantum ComputingProf. Dr. Jaw-Shen TsaiThe Riken Institute for Physical and Chemical Research, Japan
SpintronicsProf. Dr. Johan ÅkermanUniversity of Gothenburg, NanoSC, Sweden
NanowiresProf. Dr. Walter RießIBM, Swizterland
MemristorsProf. Dr. Leon Chua (tbc)University of California Berkeley, U.S.A.
GrapheneProf. Dr. Jari JinaretChalmers University of Technology, Sweden


Panel discussion on Design:
