The NANO-TEC management team announces the tentative programme of the second NANO-TEC workshop, which will take place in Athens on 13 and 14 October 2011.
It will focus on the benchmarking activity of New Beyond CMOS Device/Design Concepts.
The context of the workshop: The European Commission ICT theme has funded a proposal for a Coordination Action project entitled "ECOSYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY and DESIGN for NANOELECTRONICS" (NANO-TEC). The project started on 1st September 2010 and its aims are to identify the emerging generation of device concepts and technologies for ICT, as well as to build a joint technology design community in order to coordinate research efforts in nanoelectronics in the European research area.
The complete tentative program with group discussions and a poster session can be found at the NANO-TEC website www.fp7-NANOTEC.eu. In preparation for the workshop, you can join the forum after registration, which is available online at https://www.fp7-nanotec.eu/....
Following the suggestions from the previous workshop, it has been decided to increase the room for active participation of all attendants both during each session and on the second day, when all participants will be divided into groups of maximum 20 persons to discuss the topics presented on the first day: Molecular Electronics, MEMS, Solid State Quantum Computing, Spintronics, Nanowires, Memristors, Graphene.
Registration and attendance is free of charge. The deadline for registration to the workshop, including abstract submission, is September 30, 2011; however, we kindly ask you to register to the event and book your accommodation as soon as possible.
If you have any questions please contact: workshopfp7-NANOTEC [dot] eu (workshop
fp7-NANOTEC [dot] eu).
About NANO-TEC: NANO-TEC is led by the Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology and is funded by the ICT theme of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission. There are 11 partners in the NANO-TEC consortium. These other 10 partners are Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus VTT from Finland, German Edacentrum GmbH and Foschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Chalmers Technical University of Sweden, the Polish Institute of Electron Technology, Delft University of Technology from the Netherlands, the Greek National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Tyndall National Institute from Ireland, the Ecole Politechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS. All the partners are experienced in working in large consortia distributed over the European Union and contribute with their organisational and integrative expertise together with visionary research and ambitious goals in nanoelectronics. The scientific and social challenges of NANO-TEC can only be achieved with a constellation such as this, aided by global experts and strong links to industry to ensure a broad coverage of its topic at European level.
NANOTEC website: www.fp7-NANOTEC.eu
CONTACT: Prof. Dr. Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres (project coordinator)
E-mail: clivia [dot] sotomayoricn [dot] cat